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Great Miracle Gospel Crusade (Kenya & Uganda) 4 - 19 June 2023 🔥🔥

What a privilege as we shortly minister alongside Christ for all Nations for our Great Miracle Gospel Crusade in Busia, EAST AFRICA - June 2023.

On Sunday, 4 June Evangelists Martin van Vuuren flies to Kenya to join Christ for all Nations (CFAN) for our joint Big Town Gospel Campaign on both sides of the Kenya and Uganda border, in a town called Busia.

For those not familiar, CFAN is the ministry of Daniel Kolenda and formerly Reinhard Bonnke who to date have seen over 87 million decisions recorded for Jesus.

We are very excited to be partnering with CFAN Evangelism Alliance ministers Carl Butler (Fan the Flame Ministries), Paula Saari (Paula Saari Ministries) & Jonathan Lew (Bethany Harvest) for this campaign, where we're expecting TENS OF THOUSANDS to hear and receive the Gospel of Jesus!!

We’ve prepared over 50,000 follow up books to help new believers on their journey with Jesus.

To give you an idea of the scale and size of this campaign, this is the staging that we have booked for the open air meetings, together with all the necessary sound, lighting, power generators and the rigging crew required to setup and take down this type of equipment. Really amazing!

In February 2023 the Raising Foundations and Operation Hope Mission teams preached the Gospel to over 12,000 people in Kakamega, Kenya seeing 2,469 decisions recorded for Jesus and over 150 prisoners baptized

Evangelists Jonathan Lew has already arrived in Busia to kick-off this campaign, conducting 7 youth crusades with over 2,250 attendees and seeing 1,575 decision for people wanting to follow Jesus. This campaign is off to a wonderful start - Praise Jesus for every precious soul!

Evangelist Jonathan Lew already starting this campaign in Busia

We have over 100 pastors committed to this work as ground preparations and worker training are underway. Meetings are happening both sides of the borders whilst posters, flyers and banners are going up all over the surrounding areas to advertise. Radio broadcasts too will happen shortly to get the word out there...

Preparations In Kenya and Uganda

You can see here in this video the grounds where the main events will take place

As a Christian Charity, Raising Foundations relies on donations to carry out the mission of proclaiming the Gospel and to mobilise and equip the body of Christ for the work of ministry. Please would you consider partnering with us in this harvest. We are not just looking for Donors, we are looking for Sowers - those who would Sow with us to see a harvest for the Kingdom of God. Will you consider partnering with us?

We are not just looking for Donors, we are looking for Sowers, those who would Sow to see a harvest for the Kingdom of God. Will you consider partnering with us?

You can make a donation here and be part of this harvest for Jesus!

We value your prayers - prayers are not just necessary - prayer is vital to the success of these Evangelistic Campaigns. Let’s pray for a mighty harvest. that the fire of the Holy Spirit will sweep across this area as people encounter the living God!

All for Jesus,

In 2021 and 2022 we preached the Gospel to over 10,000 people in 6 cities in Colombia, many were healed and 1,759 decisions were recorded for Jesus in Santa Marta, Sincelejo, Corozal, Villavicencio, Cartegena and Bogota.

Don't forget to Subscribe to our community for News and Updates!



If you would like to be part of this harvest, there are several ways you can Get Involved:

Are you called to this work - Would you pray and ask God if that is you?

"The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest"

Mathew 9:35-38

Have you ever considered going on Mission or being part of an Evangelistic Campaign to bring the love of Jesus to a Nation?

This could be your chance!!

Join the RF MISSION Team

The next mission is the

Kenya Evangelistic Campaign

(27 Jul-10 Aug '23)

Going on Mission will transform your life!

Join the RF Team Volunteer your Time, Skills and Expertise! You can Apply to volunteer with Raising Foundations to see our Vision & Evangelistic Campaigns fulfilled. Various opportunities available!!


YOU can be a Financial Partner, Supporter or Champion of this Vision!

Sponsor Evangelistic Campaigns, Bibles for new believers or send Missionaries & Evangelists to take the Gospel to the nations.

​​You can make a donation or use our Standing Order Form to set up regular donations.

All donations are gratefully received!!


Join our Fundraising Team - Help support our Vision & Campaigns

Create your own fundraiser or sponsored event. Simply use our Sponsorship & Gift Aid Declaration Form.

Whether you choose to host an afternoon tea, skydive, mow lawns, wash cars, run a marathon - the choice is yours - We would love to partner with YOU!

​​ As a registered charity, RAISING FOUNDATIONS uses the Government's Gift Aid Scheme to boost donations from UK Taxpayers by up to 25% ​ That’s 25p Gift Aid for Every £1 Donated!

Join the RF Prayer & Intercessor Team ​

Prayer & Intercession is the engine room of our Evangelistic Campaigns and at the heart of everything we do.


Will you join or partner in this harvest?

Whilst we need funds to cover campaign costs such as staging, venue hire, permits, equipment, security etc, we also need Spirit-filled people who love Jesus and have a heart for the lost.

People who are willing to work alongside us, and partner to share in this vision.

I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. John 4:35

Pakistan shall be saved for Christ!! (One of six Campaigns in 2021)

We would love it if you would:

SHARE: with your friends, family & church:

JOIN: our community for news and update at

SUBSCRIBE: to our Youtube channel:

DONATE: You can make a donation here and be part of this harvest

Say hi on social media:

Evangelists - Facebook links:



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