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Pakistan Crusade 7,026 Decisions for Jesus 🔥🔥

Our fourth Revival Crusade in Pakistan in June 2021 was a huge success with over 12,200 people hearing the gospel and 7,026 people making decisions for Jesus. Amazing!!


We are thrilled to announce the outcome of this crusade despite extreme temperatures and being hit by a freak storm on the first evening. What an amazing opportunity to proclaim Jesus Christ in a nation that is 96% Muslim, 2% Hindu, and only 1.5% Christian.

12,200 People heard the Gospel

7,026 People make decisions for Jesus!!!

  • 2,790 souls on first night with Martin van Vuuren (Raising Foundations)

  • 4,236 souls on second night with Antonio Gonzales (Life Nations)

  • Many testified of healings that God had done for them

Since piloting our first virtual crusade in India in 2020, we have preached the gospel to over 21,000 people and seen 11,198 decisions recorded for Jesus during our campaigns in India and Pakistan.

Pakistan shall be saved for Christ!!

CRUSADE Preparations

Preparations on the ground for this Pakistan crusade was extremely challenging. The team battled temperatures of 41 degrees which felt more like 49 degrees, making it unbearable to work during the day.

It's incredible to see how the team transformed this piece of land for people to come and encounter Jesus during this event. Seating alone in these pictures caters for over 4,000 people.

Posters and banners were put up and flyers were handed out in towns and villages advertised the Evangelistic and Healing crusade. Some people also received personal invitations.

These are poor and more remote communities so we provide and fund transportation over the 2 days for people to be able to reach the crusade grounds, to hear the gospel.


On the first day of the crusade there was extreme heat so we started the crusade later to allow temperatures to cool down only to then be hit by a freak storm which blew fences and posters down during a torrent of rain. Our Prayer Partners around the world were already gathered on a Zoom call and others were notified via social media to pray and intercede until we had the breakthrough, the weather cleared and the crowds still came for many to receive salvation and healing - 2,790 decisions were recorded for Jesus on that first night!!

The second evening saw the crowds swell as people heard the testimonies, saw the sick that had been healed and brought their friends, family and neighbours to see for themselves what God was doing among them. It was an incredible evening as 4,236 people decided to put their faith in Jesus, to make Him their Lord and saviour. In total we saw 7,026 people make a decision for Jesus and over 12,200 heard the gospel during the 2 days - Hallelujah!!

7,026 people make decisions for Jesus and over 12,200 heard the gospel during the 2 days - Hallelujah!!

The crusades happen as a result of Raising Foundations (London) and Life Nations (Texas) partnering to bring a Healing and Evangelistic campaign to Pakistan.

We had to raise funds of approximately $8,500 to bring this campaign, navigating an incredible amount of technology, equipment and logistics over 3 continents. We use video & computer equipment and internet & mobile connections in London and Texas to broadcast evangelistic speakers live to a physical location in Pakistan.

The crusade grounds are prepared with the help of our local partners on the ground. The local language is Urdu so interpreters are used together with large screens and sophisticated video and audio equipment for the crowds to see and hear the international speakers, whilst we livestream the event on social media platforms.

We had to raise funds of approximately $8,500 to bring this campaign, navigating an incredible amount of technology, equipment and logistics over 3 continents

As a Christian charity we rely on donations to carry out the mission of proclaiming the Gospel to those who have yet to experience the goodness of God and to encourage and help mobilise the body of Christ.

Behind the scenes a sea of volunteers are engaged in the campaigns to help provide technology support, videography, administration etc at the different locations. At the same time there are Prayer, Intercession and Ministry teams engaged real-time on Zoom and WhatsApp before, during and after the preaching. It is a mammoth operation and truly amazing to see behind the scenes what it takes to make all this happen.

Please consider partnering with us to help share the message of life to those without hope. If this is something you would like to support or get involved in, we value your prayers, we have online intercessions teams and various volunteering opportunities (social media, videography & editing, administration, fundraising & grants). You can also become a Financial Ministry Partner by making a regular donation.

You can make a donation here and help support the charity or specific campaigns.

Post Crusade Follow-up and Discipleship

The Pakistan team and local churches provide follow up and distribute some bibles in the villages where people have accepted Jesus during a crusade.

We would love to help more to follow up and disciple new believers by providing Christian materials, more bibles and develop or share technology that people can access in these remote areas. This is part of our longer term strategy and we have already begun to look at new technology and partnerships that may help facilitate this.

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