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Join the Colombia Mission Team 20-30 Oct 2022 🔥🔥(Dates confirmed)

Really excited to announce dates for the next Evangelistic Campaign in Colombia for 2022.

We have a very busy schedule, where in partnership with Life Nations, we'll be hosting 12 evangelistic meetings across 3 cities during this campaign.

The RF Mission Team will need to be on the ground in Colombia by 20 Oct, The first Evangelistic event commences Friday 21st Oct and the team finishes with ministering in local churches on Sunday 30 Oct, before heading home after that.

Get Involved:

If you would like to be part of this harvest, there are several ways you can Get Involved in this vision:

In 2021 we preached the gospel to over 6,000 people in Colombia, many were healed and 889 decisions were recorded for Jesus in Santa Marta, Sincelejo and Corozal.

Here's a glimpse from the 2021 Colombia Evangelistic Campaign.


Have you ever considered going on Mission or being part of an Evangelistic Campaign to bring the love of Jesus to a Nation? This could be your chance!!

Join the RF MISSION Team

The next mission is the

11 days that will transform your life.

Join the RF Team Volunteer your Time, Skills and Expertise! You can Apply to volunteer with Raising Foundations to see our Vision & Evangelistic Campaigns fulfilled. Various opportunities available!!


YOU can be a Financial Partner, Supporter or Champion of Our Vision!

Sponsor Evangelistic Campaigns, Bibles for new believers or send our Missionaries & Evangelists to take the Gospel to the nations.

​​You can make a donation or use our Standing Order Form to set up regular donations.

All donations are gratefully received!!

We have to raise $15,000 (roughly £12,000) to bring this campaign to the cities in Colombia. Will you consider partnering with us?


Join our Fundraising Team - Help support our Vision & Campaigns

Create your own fundraiser or sponsored event. Simply use our Sponsorship & Gift Aid Declaration Form.

Whether you choose to host an afternoon tea, skydive, mow lawns, wash cars, run a marathon - the choice is yours - We would love to partner with YOU!

​​ As a registered charity, RAISING FOUNDATIONS uses the Government's Gift Aid Scheme to boost donations from UK Taxpayers by up to 25% ​ That’s 25p Gift Aid for Every £1 Donated!

Join the RF Prayer & Intercessor Team ​

Prayer & Intercession is the engine room of our Evangelistic Campaigns and at the heart of everything we do.


So will you join or partner in this harvest?

Whilst we need $15,000 (£12,000) to cover campaign expenditure (venues, permits, equipment hire, security etc), we also really need Spirit-filled people who love Jesus and have a heart for the lost.

People who are willing to labour alongside us, and partner to share in this vision.

Vision for Colombia

Together with Life Nations, we are believing and working to see 500,000 people to come to Christ in Colombia during the next 10 years.

This is a massive vision and can only be achieved through mass evangelistic campaigns, partnering with local churches and ministries and releasing more evangelists to labour in this vision.

How does it work? The churches in Colombia have the boats, we bring our nets and fishing skills, and we use their boats to bring the fish to the beaches. But the fish belong to the local churches, for people to come into fibrant Spirit-filled churches for fellowship and discipleship.

In 2021 we preached the gospel to over 6,000 people in Colombia, many were healed and 889 decisions were recorded for Jesus in Santa Marta, Sincelejo and Corozal.

"The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest"

Mathew 9:35-38

We are signaling for partners to come and help in this catch - there are so many fish that our nets are beginning to break. We're calling for labourers and those who want to partner with us to come and help share the love of Jesus, the message of the cross and salvation, with the people of Colombia.

Would you pray and ask God if that is you?

Pakistan shall be saved for Christ!! (One of our 2021 Campaigns)

We have to raise $15,000 (roughly £12,000) to bring this campaign to the cities in Colombia. Will you consider partnering with us?

As a Christian charity, we rely on donations to carry out the mission of proclaiming the Gospel to those who have yet to experience the goodness of God and to encourage and help mobilise the body of Christ. Behind the scene, a sea of volunteers are engaged in these campaigns to help provide logistics, technology support, videography, administration etc. At the same time Prayer, Intercession and Ministry teams engaged real-time on Zoom and WhatsApp alongside the campaigns. It's a mammoth operation and truly amazing to see behind the scenes what it takes to make all this happen.

Please consider partnering with us to help share the message of life to those without hope. If this is something you would like to support or get involved in, you can apply here. We value your prayers, we have online intercessions teams and various mission and volunteering opportunities.

You can make a donation here and help support the charities activities, objectives and our Evangelistic campaigns and teams.

Get Involved:

If you would like to be part of this harvest, there are several ways you can Get Involved in this vision:

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We would love it if you would:

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DONATE: You can make a donation here and help support the charities activities, objectives or specific campaigns.

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Evangelists - Facebook links:


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